RED CROSS -- Restoring Contact with loved ones when contact is lost due to crisis

Publicatie Datum: 11-06-2024
Modificatie datum: 12-06-2024
  • Locatie: Den Haag, Netherlands

Specific background - RFL within the Red Cross NL

Restoring Family Links (RFL) is committed to restoring contact between loved ones when contact has been lost contact due to migration and conflict, but also during crises and disasters. The Red Cross has built and is using for more than 10  years the website for situations contact is lost due to crises and disasters in the Netherlands and to a limited extent abroad. On this website, people can indicate that they are looking for someone, or someone can indicate that they are safe. In this way, the Red Cross contributes to quickly reducing the unrest about victims in the event of a disaster. The website was used, amongst others, during the attacks in Brussels and the flooding in Limburg.


The architecture behind the website is now outdated and the question is to what extent using a website for crisis situations is still up to date. In the meantime, alternatives are also emerging, such as on Facebook. People can use Facebook to report that they are safe in a crisis situation, but friends and family can also ask someone if they are safe.


What will you do?

The Project assignment is to: Redesign the Red Cross “Restoring Contact with loved ones service” to a more innovative and impactful solution.


  • Analyse the context, needs and barriers of our users and stakeholders to report safe, in times of crisis or disaster. How does the landscape look like with regard to ways of reporting safe, restoring contact during crisis and disaster. Are there any gaps in the system for people in distress to report safe and restore contact? Who is our target audience?
  • Analyse the value of our current NLRC website (I Am Safe) vs existing alternatives. What works what can we do better? Look at alternatives but also take into account trends and new technologies.
  • Translate results into insights, define our target group and the main benefits/value our proposition should offer to create the impact we want. .
  • Generate and prioritize opportunity areas, envision ideas that could lead to the next updated solution. And ideally build and test with user feedback towards a high level concept proposal

What we want to see as outcome deliverables: 

  • A summary report with key insights from the design research (user insights, key pain points in current service, insights on alternatives and best practices)
  • Target group description, design challenge and design criteria for an improved redesign.
  • Prioritized opportunity areas with a concept proposal

Omschrijving bedrijf/organisatie: General background
The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) – National Assistance provides aid to people in need in The Netherlands. Our national society aims to help people in distress because of disasters or emergencies.

Since 2021 the NLRC created a new strategy adding the ambition to not only help people in distress caused by disasters, but also help people in the Netherlands that are in distress caused by a lack of access to one of our basic human needs: We also help people in The Netherlands who lack access to basic needs such as medical care, food or shelter, no matter what the cause is, or who they are. See our strategy 2021 – 2025.

Our ambition 2025 national assistance:
We help anyone in invisible need by being there in emergencies and providing immediate suitable assistance. Nobody is alone in time of emergency.

The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) aims to help anyone in (invisible) need, who are at risk of not being able to meet basic human need in Dutch society:
• Food and water
• Shelter
• Sanitation and Hygiene
• Medical care
• Psychosocial care
• Dignified safe place
• Contact with loved ones

The challenge of this brief revolves around the basic human need for Contact with loved ones and how we help to restore contact lost due to crisis or disaster.

The Netherlands Red Cross is one of 191 National Red Cross/Red Crescent societies worldwide. The NLRC consists of 21 districts in the Netherlands and 6 branches in the Caribbean and 15 student desks. The head office (Verenigingskantoor, The Hague) supports and guides these districts in delivering aid and assistance through dedicated teams for marketing, communication, fundraising, aid management and quality control, strategy and the development of new aid.

For more information about the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement visit:
• Components of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
• Red Cross Red Crescent Reference Centres
• Fundamental Principles

For more information about the Netherlands Red Cross visit:
• The Netherlands Red Cross | Here to help | English information (
• Het Rode Kruis biedt hulp in Nederland waar nodig (Dutch)
• Wie zijn wij - Rode Kruis Nederland (Dutch)

Jaartal van oprichting bedrijf: 1867
Aantal medewerkers: 24 op de afdeling, 600 in het land
Extra opmerkingen: What we already do?
We have the Department of Migration & Restoring Links. This group has about 24 people working on aid for migrants in vulnerable positions and restoring family links for those who lost contact due to conflict, disaster and migration. We also have another Department Aid & Quality in which over 100 people are working. Part of this Department is Crisis Management which is responsible for policy, structure, management and processes with regards to the organisation’s operation during crisis and disasters. These two departments jointly work on improving access to the basic need Contact loved ones during emergency.
CMD beroepsrol: interaction designer
Functie-eisen afstudeerder (kennis, vaardigheden, houding, ervaring, competenties): What do you bring?
o You are following a study like Industrial Design Engineering or CMD.
o You like to get into the “why?” question of people’s behavior and tackle complex problems and translate results into actionable insights .
o You have experience with qualitative research and design techniques (user research, persona, service blueprint, prototypes, user testing)
o You are an innovative thinker and have an understanding of the impacts and potential of emerging technologies and social media.
o Have ability to visualize their ideas and present them to colleagues
o Experience with volunteering work is an advantage
o Fluency in Dutch and English.

Neem contact op met het stagebedrijf Deel

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